Tag Archive for: mathematics self-study

Yardsticks to Metric Tensor Fields
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I asked myself why different scientists understand the same thing seemingly differently, especially the concept of a metric tensor. If we ask a topologist,…

10 Math Things We All Learnt Wrong At School
The title is admittedly clickbait. Or a joke. Or a provocation. It depends on with whom you speak, or who reads it with which expectation. Well, I cannot…

How to Solve Second-Order Partial Derivatives
A frequent concern among students is how to carry out higher order partial derivatives where a change of variables and the chain rule are…

The Analytic Continuation of the Lerch and the Zeta Functions
In this brief Insight article the analytic continuations of the Lerch Transcendent and Riemann Zeta Functions are achieved via the Euler's…

A Path to Fractional Integral Representations of Some Special Functions
This bit is what new thing you can learn reading this:) As for original content, I only have hope that the method of using the sets

A Numerical Insight for the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
The purpose of this article is not to provide some rigorous statement, neither a rigorous clever proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus. It is rather…

The 10 Commandments of Index Expressions and Tensor Calculus
Having more than 10 years of experience in teaching vector and tensor calculus and special and general relativity, I have noted that many people have the…

What is the Homopolar Generator: An Analytical Example
It is surprising that the homopolar generator, invented in one of Faraday's ingenious experiments in 1831, still seems to create confusion…

What Is a Tensor? The mathematical point of view.
Key pointsThe author begins by questioning the nature of numbers and their deeper significance.
Numbers can represent various mathematical constructs,…

Learn How to Solve the Cubic Equation for Dummies
Everybody learns the "quadratic formula" for solving equations of the form [itex]A x^2 + B x + C = 0[/itex], even though you don't really need such a formula,…

Omissions in Mathematics Education: Gauge Integration
The current (pure) mathematics curriculum at the university is well established. Most of the choices made are sensible. But still, there are some important…

Some Misconceptions on Indefinite Integrals
Integration is an incredibly useful technique taught in all calculus classes. Nevertheless, there are certain paradoxes involved with integration that…

Exploring the Relationship Between Group Theory and Geometry
There is a very deep link between group theory and geometry. Sadly, this link is not emphasized a lot in most courses of group theory, even though it is…

5 Problems with Students Self Studying Mathematics
For several years already I have been trying to help students who have been self-studying math. I did this completely free with no compensation for me.…

In High School and Want to Do Advanced Mathematics?
This insight is written for high school students who don't feel very challenged by their high school courses. Or maybe those high school students who want…

How to Self-Study Basic High School Mathematics
IntroductionWe often get questions here from people self-studying mathematics. One of those questions is what mathematics should I study…

A Guide to Self Study Calculus
We often get questions here from people self-studying mathematics. One of those questions is what mathematics should I study and in what order.…

The Essential Guide to Self Study Mathematics
How to self-study mathematics?
People self-study mathematics for a lot of reasons. Either out of pure interest, because they want to get ahead,…