Tag Archive for: Quantum Field Theory

Modern Physics Understood as an Unrecognized Kuhnian Revolution
People often claim on Physics Forums and in the foundations community proper that quantum mechanics is "incomplete." Indeed, Lee Smolin recently wrote…

Learn Renormalization in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field TheoryThe previous chapter is: 15. Interacting quantum fields.
16. Renormalization

Learn Interacting Quantum Fields in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 14. Free quantum fields.The next chapter is 16. Renormalization.

Learn Free Quantum Fields in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field TheoryThe previous chapter is 13. Quantization.The next chapter is 15. Interacting…

Learn Quantization in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 12. Gauge fixing.The next chapter is 14.…

Learn Gauge Fixing in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series of Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 11. Reduced phase space.The next chapter…

Learn Reduced Phase Space in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 10. Gauge symmetries.The next chapter is…

Interview with Mathematician and Physicist Arnold Neumaier
Please give us a brief background on yourself
Over 40 years ago, I studied mathematics, physics and computer science in Freiburg and Berlin (Germany).…

Learn Gauge Symmetries in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 9. Propagators.The next chapter is 11. Reduced phase…

Learn Propagators in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 8. Phase space.The next chapter is 10. Gauge symmetries.

Learn Phase Space in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter of a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 7. Observables.The next chapter is 9. Propagators.

Learn Observables in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 6. Symmetries.The next chapter is 8. Phase…

Learn Symmetries in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 5. Lagrangians.The next chapter is 7. Observables.

Learn Lagrangians in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 4. Field Variations.The next chapter is 6. Symmetries.

Learn Field Variations in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is chapter 4 of a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 3. Fields.The next chapter is 5. Lagrangians.

Learn the Fields of Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field TheoryThe previous chapter is 2. Spacetime.The next chapter is 4. Field…

Learn Spacetime in Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
The following is one chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The previous chapter is 1. Geometry.The next chapter is 3. Fields

Learn the Geometry of Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
This is the first chapter in a series on Mathematical Quantum Field Theory.The next chapter is 2. Spacetime.
1. Geometry
The geometry of physics…

A First Idea of Quantum Field Theory – 20 Part Series
These notes mean to give an expository but rigorous introduction to the basic concepts of relativistic perturbative quantum field theories, specifically…

Introduction to Perturbative Quantum Field Theory
This is the beginning of a series that gives an introduction to perturbative quantum field theory (pQFT) on Lorentzian spacetime backgrounds in its…

Lesson on Entanglement Entropy in Quantum Field Theory
Part 1: Quantum Mechanics[This article expects the reader to have some experience with quantum field theory and path integrals][I should also…

Learn About Vacuum Fluctuations in Experimental Practice
This Insight Article is a sequel of the Insight Articles ”The Physics of Virtual Particles”, “Misconceptions about Virtual Particles“ , and ''The…

Learn About Quantum Amplitudes, Probabilities and EPR
This is a little note about quantum amplitudes. Even though quantum probabilities seem very mysterious, with weird interference effects and seemingly nonlocal…

Struggles with the Continuum: Spacetime Conclusion
We've been looking at how the continuum nature of spacetime poses problems for our favorite theories of physics --- problems with infinities.…

Struggles with the Continuum: General Relativity
Combining electromagnetism with relativity and quantum mechanics led to QED. Last time we saw the immense struggles with the continuum this…

Learn the Top Misconceptions about Virtual Particles
This Insight Article is a sequel to the Insight Article ''The Physics of Virtual Particles'', which contains an exposition of definitions that are physically…

Learn the Physics of Virtual Particles in Quantum Mechanics
In discussions on the internet (including a number of Wikipedia pages) and in books and articles for non-experts in particle physics, there is considerable…

Struggles with the Continuum: Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum field theory is the best method we have for describing particles and forces in a way that takes both quantum mechanics…

Struggles with the Continuum – Relativity and Quantum
In this series, we're looking at mathematical problems that arise in physics due to treating spacetime as a continuum---basically, problems…

Introduction to Causal Perturbation Theory
Relativistic quantum field theory is notorious for the occurrence of divergent expressions that must be renormalized by recipes that on first sight sound…

Quantum Renormalisation Made Easy
What Is The Issue With Renormalisation
If you have an interest in physics you have likely come across renormalisation before, although what it really…