Tag Archive for: technology

Introduction to Digital Audio
IntroductionFirst, we need some background in Digital Signals. This can be mathematically quite advanced, but since I would like this…

Why ChatGPT Is Not Reliable
I'll start with the simple fact: ChatGPT is not a reliable answerer of questions.To try to explain why from scratch would be a heavy lift, but fortunately,…

Programming an ATmega8A using Arduino
If you are interested in programming and electronics, you probably do not need an introduction to Arduino. If you want to make your Arduino projects permanent,…

Parallel Programming on a CPU with AVX-512
This article is the second of a two-part series that presents two distinctly different approaches to parallel programming. In the two articles, I use different…

Parallel Programming on an NVIDIA GPU
This article is the first of a two-part series that presents two distinctly different approaches to parallel programming. In the two articles, I use different…

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Cluster
As a long-time computer programmer and almost as long a High-Performance Computer (HPC) user, I really didn't know anything about how these…

The LCEVC Coding Standard and 8K Television
First, for background, here is an overview of the most common video compression standard in use today, H264: https://www.maketecheasier.com/how-video-compression-works/H265…

The Rise of AI in Classrooms, Labs and Industry – Part 3
We asked our PF Advisors “How do you see the rise in A.I. affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry and or in everyday society?”. We got so many…

The Rise of AI in STEM – Part 2
We asked our PF Advisors “How do you see the rise in A.I. affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry and or in everyday society?”. We got so many…

The Rise of Artificial intelligence in STEM Labs, Classrooms, and Industry
We asked our PF Advisors "How do you see the rise in A.I. affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry and or in everyday society?". We got so many great…

An Intro to the Systemless Interface of Rooting Android Phones
What you can learn from this article:What is meant by rooting an Android phone
Steps to take before proceeding to root your phone

Clearing Misconceptions and Some Tips on Debloating Android Phones
What is bloatware?
When you unbox your new phone, it comes with Android that is pre-installed by the manufacturer. This is termed “stock firmware”.…

Learn Orbital Mechanics in Unity Game Engine for Augmented Reality
In this Insight, I’ll go over implementing basic orbital mechanics simulations in the Unity game engine as well as an approach to scaling the simulation…

An Introduction to Computer Languages
In this Insights Guide, the focus is entirely on types of languages, how they relate to what computers actually do, and how they are used by people. It…

How to Manage TCP/IP In Automation or Measurement Networks
The 1990s saw the widespread adoption of network technology on two fronts: Office automation and factory automation. But while office automation soon standardized…

Learn Time Synchronization Across Switched Ethernets
Now and then you come across measurement problems that are tightly associated with the notion of synchronicity, meaning that things need to happen simultaneously.…

Understand the Acoustic Modulation vs. Beating Confusion
A long time ago I read a paper in the IEEEProceedings recounting the history of the superheterodyne receiver. Overall it was a very interesting and informative…

Studio in a Box: Learn About Digital Modeling Amplifiers
Key Points Digital Signal Processing (DSP) was introduced in the mid-Seventies, allowing musicians to simulate the acoustic properties of instruments…