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I work at my alma mater in the tutoring lab as a math and physics tutor (usually at the 3000 or below level). The tutoring lab is a walk in service where you have
1) to sign in (and out) through computers at the front desk
2) Sit down at a table
3) scan a QR code with an app at that table
4) choose through a menu what classes you want tutoring in
5) wait in the que system to be served
6) all activities in the lab are recorded via security cameras (with no audio)
7) Also exit through particularly designated doors
Moving past the background onto my actual grievance.
There is a (large) group of students who not only frequently disregard the aforementioned rules. Particularly signing in and exiting through designated doors but also cause an unreasonable amount of noise to the point other visitors have expressed frustration (muttering under their breath etc without making formal complaints).
Not to mention anti semetic remarks and condescending remarks towards Shiite Muslims. Practicing wrestling moves in the lab etc.
All of this is frequent/common behavior for them.
I talked to my supervisors about kicking them out on the spot and apparently I have to jump through many hoops to do this.
1) request that they be quiet (which I have done many times to no avail)
2) notify my direct supervisors so they can double down on the request
3) then appeal to supervisors at a higher level (I.e. bureaucracy). The problem with this is that they work from home. How am I supposed to appeal to them when they work from home the majority of time and not actually in the lab?
(As an aside most of these bureaucrats preside over the tutoring lab and it’s various programs without having any domain expertise themselves. How useless is a PhD in education when students come in to ask questions about differential forms and Tensors? Can you really Marshall resources better than someone with a quantitative background?)
Why do I have to be “tactful, respectful, and understanding” (all of these words are platitudes in my opinion) when they can’t exhibit a modicum of consideration towards their fellow students?
My assumption (and this may be hyper aggressive) is that if a group of people are willing to be that much of jerks, they are willing to be confrontational about being confronted.
I did confront them many times and at one point I just had enough. I told them “all of you need to chill you’re too loud, nobody thinks you’re cool” and they left in mass towards the end of the semester. Fellow students actually thanked me. My supervisor actually told me if they put a hand on me and I retaliate I will be fired which is insane to me but also an edge case. And also calling the campus police is supposedly a last option after I’ve exhausted all the other steps of protocol.
I should also add that they’ve been asked to leave other parts of the library by campus police.
If I have to deal with this another semester I think I’m going to lose it.
I don’t care if I have to go above my (mostly worthless) supervisors to the police or whatever relevant dean. I’m not putting up with this inconsiderate socially retarded bullying behavior for another semester. I’m taking a stand.
Which avenues should I go through? In regards to talking to administrators that are even higher up in the university organization? Since clearly my direct higher ups (with few exceptions) are completely inept/opportunistic cowardly bureaucrats?
should I write emails to the dean of students/president/vice President directly throwing my inept cowardly often absent higher ups under the bus?
Should I draw the line after multiple attempts to be tactful, verbally thrash these students thoroughly, and deal with the consequences later?
How can I do my job if I don’t have the authority to maintain order? Generally I need advice.
1) to sign in (and out) through computers at the front desk
2) Sit down at a table
3) scan a QR code with an app at that table
4) choose through a menu what classes you want tutoring in
5) wait in the que system to be served
6) all activities in the lab are recorded via security cameras (with no audio)
7) Also exit through particularly designated doors
Moving past the background onto my actual grievance.
There is a (large) group of students who not only frequently disregard the aforementioned rules. Particularly signing in and exiting through designated doors but also cause an unreasonable amount of noise to the point other visitors have expressed frustration (muttering under their breath etc without making formal complaints).
Not to mention anti semetic remarks and condescending remarks towards Shiite Muslims. Practicing wrestling moves in the lab etc.
All of this is frequent/common behavior for them.
I talked to my supervisors about kicking them out on the spot and apparently I have to jump through many hoops to do this.
1) request that they be quiet (which I have done many times to no avail)
2) notify my direct supervisors so they can double down on the request
3) then appeal to supervisors at a higher level (I.e. bureaucracy). The problem with this is that they work from home. How am I supposed to appeal to them when they work from home the majority of time and not actually in the lab?
(As an aside most of these bureaucrats preside over the tutoring lab and it’s various programs without having any domain expertise themselves. How useless is a PhD in education when students come in to ask questions about differential forms and Tensors? Can you really Marshall resources better than someone with a quantitative background?)
Why do I have to be “tactful, respectful, and understanding” (all of these words are platitudes in my opinion) when they can’t exhibit a modicum of consideration towards their fellow students?
My assumption (and this may be hyper aggressive) is that if a group of people are willing to be that much of jerks, they are willing to be confrontational about being confronted.
I did confront them many times and at one point I just had enough. I told them “all of you need to chill you’re too loud, nobody thinks you’re cool” and they left in mass towards the end of the semester. Fellow students actually thanked me. My supervisor actually told me if they put a hand on me and I retaliate I will be fired which is insane to me but also an edge case. And also calling the campus police is supposedly a last option after I’ve exhausted all the other steps of protocol.
I should also add that they’ve been asked to leave other parts of the library by campus police.
If I have to deal with this another semester I think I’m going to lose it.
I don’t care if I have to go above my (mostly worthless) supervisors to the police or whatever relevant dean. I’m not putting up with this inconsiderate socially retarded bullying behavior for another semester. I’m taking a stand.
Which avenues should I go through? In regards to talking to administrators that are even higher up in the university organization? Since clearly my direct higher ups (with few exceptions) are completely inept/opportunistic cowardly bureaucrats?
should I write emails to the dean of students/president/vice President directly throwing my inept cowardly often absent higher ups under the bus?
Should I draw the line after multiple attempts to be tactful, verbally thrash these students thoroughly, and deal with the consequences later?
How can I do my job if I don’t have the authority to maintain order? Generally I need advice.