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mister i
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Sorry for this question: how does a compass (or its electrons) know that it is in a magnetic field? Is it the information of the photons that cross it? (photons are what transmit electromagnetic forces)
The field exerts a force on the compass needle. That's it. There isn't any 'knowing' involved.mister i said:Sorry for this question: how does a compass (or its electrons) know that it is in a magnetic field?
Actually a torque.Drakkith said:The field exerts a force on the compass needle.
It could be both! (If the field is not uniform)kuruman said:Actually a torque.
How does your body know that it's in a gravitational field?mister i said:Sorry for this question: how does a compass (or its electrons) know that it is in a magnetic field?
The electromagnetic field is always there in a sense. It can be 0 in some regions of space (at some time). It can also be completely 0 if there are no charge and/or current distributions around.Hardy said:Fascinating write-up, thank you very much. I have a question.
Let’s say there is certain charge configuration producing a 'coherent state' such that there is a magnetic field that is detectable and predictable.
Then, some additional charge density is added into the mix such that where there was once produced a magnetic field, now there is no measureable magnectic field (aka the original one is canceled out).
Would this considered to be a non-coherent state of the magnetic field of the original charge distribution, or is this field more-or-less non-existent (as one might describe the field a large distance away from the source in the original configuration).
I don’t have any specific configuration in mind, but I would think this is possible. I would start with something like a relay coil for the first configuration, then apply a second winding to the coil and pipe current through the second winding in the opposite direction.
Thank you for the inspiration to be a writer! I always think of things I could do in retirement, but as the list gets longer, now am wondering if I will have the time.DaveC426913 said:Almost any science fiction writer that sets his story more than a century two in the future does this to some extent. Even the greats. They have to. Hyperdrive, instant communications, teleporting, etc. all require technologies we can't conceive of yet, so by definition it has to be made up. MAny of them posit some sort of ultra- or sub-space that over/underlies our own.
That you are positing such a construction is the 'suspension of disbelief' the reader needs to accept to enjoy your story; it's less important to them how you explain it.
vanhees71 said:The electromagnetic field is always there in a sense. It can be 0 in some regions of space (at some time). It can also be completely 0 if there are no charge and/or current distributions around.
Classical electromagnetic fields are from a quantum-field theoretical point of view coherent states (in a wide sense of its definition). Nowadays one can create very special "states of light", called "squeezed states", which are a generalization of coherent states. They are, e.g., used on the gravitational-wave detectors like LIGO to bring the measurement of the motion of the mirrors to the boundary of precision possible due to the quantum-mechanical uncertainty relation.
This is, because coherent states are used rather in the quantum-optics community than the high-energy physics QFT community, because the former deal indeed with all kinds of "light" (including single- and few-photon Fock states but also with strong laser fields, which are described by coherent states).Hardy said:I was somewhat surprised that I only found one reference to a coherent state in a book on QFT (Quantum Field Theory by Kaku from 1993). It was on page 715 out of about 760 pages, and here it is:
Here the coherent state (of one mode) is used as a calculational tool. It's sometimes very convenient.Hardy said:In the Hamiltonian formalism, the transition element between two string states is given by ##\langle X| e^{itH}|X' \rangle## . If we make a Wick rotation, then the integrated propagator between two states becomes:
D = \int _0 ^\infty e^{-\tau(L_0-1)}d\tau = \frac {1}{L_0-1} \tag*{(21.62)}
sandwiched between any two string states. The Hamiltonian on the world-sheet is given by ##L_0-1##.
For the path integral describing the N-point amplitude, the transition to the Hamiltonian formalism gives us an expression for the N-point function##^{17}##:
A_N = \langle0,k,|V(k_2)DV(k_3) \dots V(k_{N-1})|0,k_N\rangle \tag*{(21.63)}
where ##|0,k\rangle =|0\rangle e^{ik\cdot x}##, where ##x^{\mu}## is the center-of-mass variable describing ##X^{\mu}##. To contract these oscillators, which are all written in terms of exponentials, we use the ##\mathbf{coherent~state}## formalism. We define a ##\mathbf{coherent~state}## by:
|\lambda \rangle \equiv \sum _{n=0}^{\infty} \frac {\lambda^n}{n!}(a^{\dagger})^n|0\rangle = e^{\lambda a^{\dagger}}|0\rangle \tag*{(21.64)}
Then we have the identities:
\langle \mu | \lambda \rangle &= e^{\mu^*\lambda} \\
x^{a^{\dagger}a} | \lambda \rangle &= |x \lambda \rangle \\
e^{\mu a^{\dagger}} | \lambda \rangle &= |\lambda + \mu \rangle \tag{21.65}
Its seems to break down space into primitive components (elements of a series that sum to an exponential factor). Further, the identities seem to allow for for some easy manipulation. Reminds me of the concept of modular functions and elliptic curves that lead to a proof of Fermat's last theorem 10-20 years ago. So, its not hard to see how this concept could be used to construct any conceivable EM field.
The text is full of references to string theory, which I thought was not generally accepted as the ultimate theory: a successful theory where all 4 fundamental forces of nature are explained by a central concept. Is it accepted that this has been done? Do you feel continuing to study this book could be misleading in this sense?
Thanks for the insights!