Explosion-Generated Collapsing Vacuum Bubbles Reach 20,000 Kelvin
Key Points
- Jérôme Duplat and Emmanuel Villermaux published a paper in Physical Review Letters (PRL) to generate centimeter–sized vacuum bubbles in water with miniature laser–driven explosions
- Observed the flash of light produced as the bubble collapsed, a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence
- Measured the temperature inside the bubble to be upwards of 20,000 Kelvin
- Bubbles generated by propellers were causing damage to them, also used as contrast agents during a medical ultrasound
- If the pressure inside the bubble is greater than the pressure in the fluid, the bubble grows; if it is lesser, it shrinks
- Sonoluminescence was discovered serendipitously in 1934 during an attempt to use sound waves to speed up photographic development
- Duplat and Villermaux developed a way to make the bubbles bigger and emptier by starting them off with a small explosion
- The bubble grows at an initial speed of about 10 meters per second for about a millisecond, before collapsing
- As it collapses it emits a flash of sonoluminescence, which is recorded through a diffraction grating
- The temperature inside the bubble as it collapses is about 26,000 Kelvin
- Generating a bubble by igniting a tiny hydrogen fire with a laser pulse can be used to better study sonoluminescence
In a recent paper published in Physical Review Letters (PRL), one of the top physics journals, Jérôme Duplat and Emmanuel Villermaux developed a method to generate centimeter-sized vacuum bubbles in water with miniature laser-driven explosions and observed the flash of light produced as the bubble collapsed, a not-fully-understood phenomenon known as sonoluminescence. They measured the temperature inside the bubble, spectroscopically, and found it was upwards of 20,000 Kelvin, hotter than any chemical reaction.
Scientific interest in bubbles goes back to Leonardo da Vinci. In the early 20th century the physics of bubbles was investigated more rigorously because bubbles generated by propellers were causing damage to them. They are also used as contrast agents during a medical ultrasound because they oscillate under an external acoustic field and re-radiate incident sound, which can make it easier to image inside the body. The physics of bubbles is really interesting, but I will only summarize one important tenet: if the pressure inside the bubble is greater than the pressure in the fluid, the bubble grows; if it is lesser, it shrinks.
Sonoluminescence was discovered serendipitously in 1934 during an attempt to use sound waves to speed up photographic development. In 1989 the technology was developed to study it one bubble at a time, by trapping the bubble at the node of an acoustic standing wave. The phenomenon is not fully understood, both experimentally and theoretically. On the experimental side, it has been a matter of debate how hot it actually gets, but if the spectrum is both thermal and visible, it must be in the thousands of degrees. There was a controversial claim that it was hot enough to ignite nuclear fusion, which was met with skepticism. On the theoretical side, it is not known exactly what mechanism produces this light. It may be that the gas inside the bubble is simply heating up as it is compressed, but calculations from the ideal gas law don’t give high enough temperatures. It could be that the rapid acceleration of the wall induces atomic or molecular transitions that give off light, or that the gas becomes ionized into plasma, or it could be bremsstrahlung. The bubbles tend to be so small and so fast that it’s hard to get good spectroscopic information.
The innovation of Duplat and Villermaux was a way to make the bubbles bigger and emptier, by starting them off with a small explosion. Starting with bubbles containing hydrogen and oxygen gas individually, they blast the bubble with a laser to ignite the combustion, driving the expansion of the bubble. The bubble is now full of water vapor, and the molecules get adsorbed into the liquid water at the bubble wall, leaving a mostly-empty centimeter-sized cavity. Now there is a large empty cavity in the water, so the fluid rushes back into it, collapsing it. What vapor that does remain, sonoluminescence. The journal has videos from the experiments, and they are awesome. I particularly recommend video1.avi and MovieS2.mov.
After the laser blast, the flame inside the bubble propagates at 80 meters per second for about 0.1 milliseconds, leaving vapor. The vapor then flies towards the bubble wall at about 1000 meters per second for about 0.01 milliseconds, getting sucked back into its liquid form at the wall. At this point, the pressure inside the bubble is at around a Pascal, (very low, that’s 0.00001 atmospheres), and about 4400 Kelvin. This is where the bubble physics starts: it grows at an initial speed of about 10 meters per second for about a millisecond, before collapsing. As it collapses it emits a flash of sonoluminescence, which is recorded through a diffraction grating (to split it into different wavelengths) by a digital camera. Based on the amount of the emitted light, they conclude that the temperature inside the bubble as it collapses is about 26,000 Kelvin.
The novelty of this experiment is not the spectral measurement, but the ability to produce sonoluminescence in such large, empty bubbles. One of the factors that determine the strength of the sonoluminescence effect is the ratio of the bubble’s minimum and maximum size. Not only do they start bigger in this experiment, but they can reach a smaller size because they are so empty, optimizing this ratio. The fact that bigger bubbles take longer to collapse means that it will be easier to watch it happen in real-time. In the final paragraph of the paper, they explain that this can be used in the future to better study sonoluminescence.
To summarize, the results of this paper are not novel but the methods are. And I think generating a bubble by igniting a tiny hydrogen fire with a laser pulse is a really awesome thing to do.
*Source of that gif is a movie from the supplemental material of http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.094501
Ph.D. McGill University, 2015
My research is at the interface of biological physics and soft condensed matter. I am interested in using tools provided from biology to answer questions about the physics of soft materials. In the past I have investigated how DNA partitions itself into small spaces and how knots in DNA molecules move and untie. Moving forward, I will be investigating the physics of non-covalent chemical bonds using “DNA chainmail” and exploring non-equilibrium thermodynamics and fluid mechanics using protein gels.
[QUOTE=”klotza, post: 5227550, member: 569939″]Yes they are. It leaves water vapour and some other stuff, and the water adsorbs into the fluid, just leaving very small amounts of other stuff.[/QUOTE]
Is there a non-paywalled version of this article?
I believe they stated that the minimum pressure of the bubble is 1 Pa with a temperature of 4,000 K at its maximum expansion. Is that correct.
The bubble then contracts, and at least initially should compress via the ideal gas law to a peak pressure and temperature? I think the graph shows that Rmin is about 0.2 of Rmax before rebounding slightly.
I thought in cavitation that the damaging effect comes from the bubble completely disappearing. As opposed to a flash, where the residual gas bubble mitigates the shock wave that is generated. We had a high pressure control valve where we used a small amount of N2 to keep prevent the complete collapse of the vapor phase. That worked well until the day we lost the nitrogen flow. Once the valve started cavitating, the valve was destroyed within the hour.
Did they relate the sonoluminecense to the sound shock wave that gets generated by the shock wave? Such as the shock wave comes first followed by the sonoluminecense? Or they initiate together?
[QUOTE=”Greg Bernhardt, post: 5227483, member: 1″]
“Mantis shrimp also produce sonoluminosity in cavitations ” Google+[/QUOTE]
Interesting… [URL=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXK2G2AzMTU’]Slow motion pistol shrimp attack hits 4,000 C![/URL]
[QUOTE=”klotza, post: 5227047, member: 569939″][URL=’https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/explosion-generated-collapsing-vacuum-bubbles-reach-20000-kelvin/’]Explosion-Generated Collapsing Vacuum Bubbles Reach 20,000 Kelvin[/URL]
So they are blowing up a bubble containing a stoichiometric mixture of ##H_2## and ##O_2##?
Yes they are. It leaves water vapour and some other stuff, and the water adsorbs into the fluid, just leaving very small amounts of other stuff.
Really interesting stuff! Love the animations!