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- Hamiltoninan constraint and Wheeler de Witt equation
Submitted on 16 Dec 2022 (v1), last revised 26 Jun 2023 (this version, v2)]
A Note On The Canonical Formalism for Gravity
Edward Witten
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We describe a simple gauge-fixing that leads to a construction of a quantum Hilbert space for quantum gravity in an asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime, valid to all orders of perturbation theory. The construction is motivated by a relationship of the phase space of gravity in asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime to a cotangent bundle. We describe what is known about this relationship and some extensions that might plausibly be true. A key fact is that, under certain conditions, the Einstein Hamiltonian constraint equation can be viewed as a way to gauge fix the group of conformal rescalings of the metric of a Cauchy hypersurface. An analog of the procedure that we follow for Anti de Sitter gravity leads to standard results for a Klein-Gordon particle.
Comments: 55 pp, minor corrections and clarifications in this version
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
Cite as: arXiv:2212.08270 [hep-th]
(or arXiv:2212.08270v2 [hep-th] for this version)
1 Introduction
In this article, we will re-examine the canonical formalism for quantum gravity [1], focusing
on the case of an asymptotically Anti de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime X. One advantage
of the AAdS case is that, because of holographic duality, it is possible to explain in a
straightforward way what problem the canonical formalism is supposed to solve, thereby
circumventing questions like what observables to consider and what is a good notion of
“time.” In holographic duality, there is a straightforward notion of boundary time, and
there is no difficulty in defining local boundary observablesHamiltoninan constraint and Wheeler de Witt equation and Canonical Formalism for Gravity is also loop quantum gravity
any overlays of Witten and loop quantum gravity
if you think loop quantum gravity is wrong, does Witten's paper offer better ideas on how to canonically quantize gravity?
what would happen if you loop quantize n asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime then answer questions via holographic duality
A Note On The Canonical Formalism for Gravity
Edward Witten
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We describe a simple gauge-fixing that leads to a construction of a quantum Hilbert space for quantum gravity in an asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime, valid to all orders of perturbation theory. The construction is motivated by a relationship of the phase space of gravity in asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime to a cotangent bundle. We describe what is known about this relationship and some extensions that might plausibly be true. A key fact is that, under certain conditions, the Einstein Hamiltonian constraint equation can be viewed as a way to gauge fix the group of conformal rescalings of the metric of a Cauchy hypersurface. An analog of the procedure that we follow for Anti de Sitter gravity leads to standard results for a Klein-Gordon particle.
Comments: 55 pp, minor corrections and clarifications in this version
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
Cite as: arXiv:2212.08270 [hep-th]
(or arXiv:2212.08270v2 [hep-th] for this version)
1 Introduction
In this article, we will re-examine the canonical formalism for quantum gravity [1], focusing
on the case of an asymptotically Anti de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime X. One advantage
of the AAdS case is that, because of holographic duality, it is possible to explain in a
straightforward way what problem the canonical formalism is supposed to solve, thereby
circumventing questions like what observables to consider and what is a good notion of
“time.” In holographic duality, there is a straightforward notion of boundary time, and
there is no difficulty in defining local boundary observablesHamiltoninan constraint and Wheeler de Witt equation and Canonical Formalism for Gravity is also loop quantum gravity
any overlays of Witten and loop quantum gravity
if you think loop quantum gravity is wrong, does Witten's paper offer better ideas on how to canonically quantize gravity?
what would happen if you loop quantize n asymptotically Anti de Sitter spacetime then answer questions via holographic duality
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