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PF Insights Blog
Feel free to request future FAQs
- Was the early universe in a disordered state?
- Why is the radius of the observable universe in light-years greater than its age?
- Where did the Big Bang happen? Would that be the center of the universe?
- What is the total mass-energy of the universe?
- At what velocity does the universe expand? Can it be faster than light?
- Is the universe a black hole?
- Is the universe finite, or is it infinite?
- Could redshifts be intrinsic rather than cosmological?
- How are time and distance measured in cosmology?
- Can we tell whether the universe is rotating?
- What is the evidence on Big Bang versus steady state cosmologies?
- What is CMB rest?
- What is a trojan asteroid
- What is a photon sphere
- What is mass inflation
- What is Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector
- What is irreducible mass
- What is Binet's Equation
- What is irradiance
- What is critical density
- What is sidereal
- What is the Hawking radiation
- https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/black-hole-thermodynamics.762982/
- What is the Friedmann acceleration equation
- What is frame dragging
- What is orbital eccentricity
- What is the Friedmann Equation
- https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/radius-of-a-black-hole.762981/
- What is synodic
- What are closed timelike curves
- https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/what-is-apoapsis.762977/
- What are Kepler's laws
- Why sunrise gets later in early January, even though the days are getting longer
Feel free to request future FAQs
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