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I'm looking for a cheap, wide mouthed jar capable of withstanding moderate vacuum (up to 29-30" Hg). The jar I've currently been using is like http://packagingoptionsdirect.com/8-oz-french-square-clear-glass-bottle-028047?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqMnmme_g2gIVgUSGCh3frw2_EAQYAyABEgKgG_D_BwE one with a rubber stopper and plumbing valve in place to hold vacuum once evacuated, which works well, but I now need something in a 3-4" width but not any larger really (no more than 16 oz size). A first thought is a Mason jar with a suitable rubber stopper for the top, but I don't know if they could attain and hold that sort of vacuum for a month (the French square jars easily do). Budget is limited, otherwise I'd just have a suitable vacuum desiccator chamber. The French square jars come up to 32 oz at good prices, but the mouth still isn't wide enough. Thanks in advance.