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Orodruin said:
collinsmark said:Anyway, it was that discussion that inspired me to make my very first YouTube video:
Note the video is not a true minimum motion isoluminance test, as that cannot be done using a simple RGB display.
collinsmark said:Many years ago I remember taking part in a rather deep discussion with @zoobyshoe here on PF regarding a study that was published, but not peer reviewed, on tetrachromacy. Most of that discussion involved criticizing, and breaking down that study.
The gist is that if a person was a true tetrachomat, that person could see clear differences between a true spectrum of white light and a reproduction created with only three colors: say one displayed on an RGB monitor.
That, and there's no way to display an image such that a "normal" tricrhomat could see what a tetrachromat "sees." It just doesn't make any sense. It would be akin to showing a color-blind person an image showing them what a non-color blind person sees.
Anyway, it was that discussion that inspired me to make my very first YouTube video:
Note the video is not a true minimum motion isoluminance test, as that cannot be done using a simple RGB display. The only thing the video does is simulate the experience of taking such a test.
Tom.G said:The YouTube link in the immediately preceeding postdoesn't seem to work. Clicking the Red arrow has no effect.Bad Link:[MEDIA]=youtube]VVovqw0ywf4[/MEDIA]
However, entering this OLD STYLE link in the browser address field does work. youtube.com/watch?v=VVovqw0ywf4.
The below shows different results depending on how the originating post was copied here... some things work and others don't.
Using the "Quote" facility, this has no link in it.
(The situation in the following sentence is intermittent, the 1st save had a bad link, the 2nd save (after editing) had the last link working.
Using "Reply" facility has a working link ONLY IN "PREVIEW" when Creating or Editing this post. When Saved, the link does not work.)
Knew someone at university who was partially color blind who asked a friend to stop wearing a particular pair of pants around her as they appeared to her as "fluorescent brown"collinsmark said:The gist is that if a person was a true tetrachomat, that person could see clear differences between a true spectrum of white light and a reproduction created with only three colors: say one displayed on an RGB monitor.
That, and there's no way to display an image such that a "normal" tricrhomat could see what a tetrachromat "sees." It just doesn't make any sense. It would be akin to showing a color-blind person an image showing them what a non-color blind person sees.
That's a pretty unique sensory description. Can't think of a fluorescent brown color I have seen.DrClaude said:they appeared to her as "florescent brown"![]()
It reads florescent, not fluorescent. Don't know which was actually meant, and not any easier to imagine either way.BillTre said:Can't think of a fluorescent brown color I have seen.
I think of fluorescent things as have more light coming from them (emitted) than their externally lite surroundings would lead one to expect.Bandersnatch said:not any easier to imagine either way
it would seem to refer to pants were the color of a brown flower. Doesn't make sense to me.DrClaude said:a particular pair of pants around her as they appeared to her as "florescent brown"![]()
FixedBandersnatch said:It reads florescent, not fluorescent. Don't know which was actually meant, and not any easier to imagine either way.
But, in general, probably a worthwhile distinction to keep in mind with Valentine's day around the corner.
We all had problem trying to imagine what the color was like. She understood herself that "fluorescent brown" didn't make sense, but that was the best she could describe it.BillTre said:it would seem to refer to pants were the color of a brown flower. Doesn't make sense to me.
It's not like they see new colours. They are merely differentially sensitive to the colours as we see them.collinsmark said:That, and there's no way to display an image such that a "normal" tricrhomat could see what a tetrachromat "sees." It just doesn't make any sense. It would be akin to showing a color-blind person an image showing them what a non-color blind person sees
DaveC426913 said:It's not like they see new colours. They are merely differentially sensitive to the colours as we see them.
Apparently, tetrachromats have the ability to distinguish finer grades of blue-green. One woman said it was "obvious" to her that that blouse and those slacks were different shades of green, whereas no one else could.
So to simulate that for us mere trichromats, one would show a "before" pic, showing two swatches that appear identical, and next to it, an "after" pic showing two swatches where the erstwhile indistinguishable difference is exaggerated so that one is bluer/yellower than the other.
Baluncore said:Ignoring RGB constrictions. We could look at the real world through a broad filter, that would allow us to differentiate colours by brightness, that otherwise would look the same.
We do not need a fine spectral filter, just something that splits the sensitivity of one of our color bands into two parts, like a rose colored glass. We only need to use it when we are unable to otherwise differentiate detail.collinsmark said:Yes, of course. If we carried around prisms and/or diffraction gratings we could distinguish such difference by taking careful note of where the spectral bands/lines fell on the resulting spectrum.
The illumination of the scene, and the sensitivity of the pigments in our eyes, differ from those of an RGB color camera, and of the RGB display. What hope can there be reproducing color images in three colors, let alone four.collinsmark said:One the other hand, if we wanted to reproduce the "colors" as a tetrachromat sees "colors" in nature, we would need 4 primary colors rather than just 3.
Baluncore said:We do not need a fine spectral filter, just something that splits the sensitivity of one of our color bands into two parts, like a rose colored glass. We only need to use it when we are unable to otherwise differentiate detail.
The illumination of the scene, and the sensitivity of the pigments in our eyes, differ from those of an RGB color camera, and of the RGB display. What hope can there be reproducing color images in three colors, let alone four.
It takes a good white LED source, that includes several different phosphors, before I can be sure of the difference between red and orange resistor color codes. 2k2 = 33k.
Luckily, that is not the case, as we have evolved to survive to evolve. Green chlorophyll, red blood, and red berries, are important to us, but why do we need to see sky blue?collinsmark said:Consider the hypothetical that you were the only person on Earth with green color cones in your retinas Everybody else just had red and blue cones.
Baluncore said:I agree with your analysis.
Luckily, that is not the case, as we have evolved to survive to evolve. Green chlorophyll, red blood, and red berries, are important to us, but why do we need to see sky blue?
Animals that eat only greens, have red-blind eyes, that reflect red light.
Cats eyes reflect greens, as cats need to see their red/brown prey eating greens, against a green background.
If it was important, then tetrachromaticity would have been strongly selected. What advantage did, or will, a tetrachromat have?
If there is such a thing as a tetrachromat, then we seem to have lost that need, and what remains is a vestigial characteristic in the population gene pool, awaiting the return of, or some new advantage.
I'm just not convinced this is the whole story.collinsmark said:Indeed, but we need to be careful on how we define "color."
For example, one could make two light sources:
(a) a combination of 612 nm and 549 nm of light, each wavelength having some relative amplitude, and
(b) a single wavelength of 580 nm of light.
If the relative amplitudes in (a) are adjusted just so, a typical trichromat could not tell (a) apart from (b). To the trichromat, they are "the same color." If we were to plot these two light sources on a chromaticity diagram, they would correspond to the same point, i.e., the "same color" (a linear combination of three colors, R, G, And B, map to a single point on the chromaticity diagram).
View attachment 340644
Figure 1. Example chromaticity diagram. This [two dimensional plot] is adequate for trichromats, but would need a new [third] dimension for tetrachromats.
The source (a) could be displayed using an RGB computer monitor. Source (b) cannot.
A tetrachromat, assuming they actually exist in humans in the first place (which is somewhat debatable), could tell the difference between (a) and (b), and more-so, the tetrachromat might claim that no computer monitor they have ever seen could reproduce (b).
If tetrachromacy actually exists in humans, and we wanted to reproduce "colors," as tetrachromats see "colors," we would not only need to revise our computer monitors and displays, but we would even need to modify the way our files store color data. Storing and displaying color data in RGB format would not be enough: we would need a new value to the mix, perhaps by adding yellow, Y, and displaying and storing color data in RYGB format.
DaveC426913 said:I'm just not convinced this is the whole story.
DaveC426913 said:Here's a simulation of some real-world clothing swatches.
Two different materials, with different mixtures of colours; the threads are a mix of blue and green, producing a blue-green effect.
View attachment 340667
For a trichromat, the two materials look indistinguishable, but for the tetrachromat, who has an additional cones that peak more in the blue (dotted line at 498), the two colours are obviously different, because their fourth blue-green cones are stimulated more from swatch two than from swatch one.
View attachment 340666
DaveC426913 said:I don't see why this effect would not extend to an RGB monitor.
The tetrachromat would be able to distinguish between RGB(000,133,059) and RGB(000,133,069) easier than we trichromats could.
It's kind of the colour equivalent of triangulation. They have an extra sensor at a different wavelength, than we do, to zero in on a colour contrast.