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(This added about a month after this thread opened: It turns out I'm a real outlier for side effects to the vaccine, so don't let this post scare you off. My wife says every time I catch a cold or something that it hits me hard. Of course to me that is 'normal.'
A few days ago a neighbor, my wife, and I received the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine.
Here is a log of my after-effects. I'll try to keep this updated for any significant news.
0 - Received second dose of Moderna vaccine. As in the first one, didn't even feel the needle or the injection.
1 - Slight soreness in arm muscle.
2 - Sleepy, nap 2hrs, wakened by scam phone call.
6 - Sleepy, go to bed 5hrs early. Arm too sore to sleep on but otherwise not bothersome.
13 - Wake up shivering from cold. Room not cold, start of fever.
17 - Wake up hot. Throw off covers and back to sleep. (fever broke?)
20 - Wake up hot. Throw covers off. (fever broke?) get up after 14hrs sleep. (normal 8.5hrs.)
-- - Lack of energy, brain fog, low appetite.
24 - Temperature about 2.3°F high, but feeling somewhat better. Pulse 101 (usually 63 resting).
25 - Go out to pick up new eye glasses.
26 - Tired. Temperature about 2.7°F high.
-- - Read (some of) newspaper, check PF and Google News.
30 - Sleepy, bed time, again 5 hrs early. Pulse 93.
43 - Wake up, feel OK, temperature normal. Read rest of yesterdays newspaper. Pulse a normal 63.
48 - Wife and I do some shopping & errands.
52 - We are exhausted!
53 - Home, dinner, newspaper, PF .
56 - Tired, temperature normal, post this log. (& maybe check Google news)
Day 3 -
-- - Awoke 2hrs short of sleep. Hot, threw covers off but couldn't sleep. After 1/2 hr got up, all vitals normal. Appetite normal.
-- - Arm no longer sore.
-- - Tired, low energy, foggy brain all day.
Day 4 -
-- - Normal sleep, mild low energy but got things done, mid afternoon 2hr. nap though.
-- - 'Loose bowels' much of the day, wife had that late yesterday.
Day 18 -
-- - Mild hair loss noted when combing hair in the morning. This tapered off and resolved itself over 7 to 10 days.
Day 30 - (approximately)
Finally back to 'normal' after about a month of low energy and extra sleep. These effects tapered off over the month until I realized "Hey! I feel OK."
Day 110 - (approximately)
Noticed my finger nails and toe nails are brittle and break easily. Nail trimming caused the nails to shatter rather than the usual clean cut. This happened for only one trimming and then returned to normal.
Of the three of us, I had the heaviest reaction to the vaccine. We all slept the afternoon of the shot and all of us were too tired to do much of anything the following day. My wife had a mild fever of about 1°F and the neighbor claimed no fever.
None of us took anything for symptom relief.
In the end it shows that our immune systems REALLY recognize the spike protein on SARS-COV-2!
It also shows that I REALLY REALLY don't want the real thing.
p.s. Don't be too concerned about my 'high' fever, my normal body temp is 1 to 1.4 degrees F below 'normal'.
added pulse rates
edit: Oct. 18, 2021
A study of common side effects from the vaccine has been posted. The most common is Fatigue (~67%), with Headache running a close second (~60%).
Or if you prefer a short synopsis,
edit: Nov. 13, 2021
After 8 months, I got my Moderna Booster shot 4 days ago... Overall, a 'Piece of Cake!' Here are the details:
0 - Received the Moderna Booster, barely felt the needle and injection
24 - Slept 10 hrs., afternoon nap 1.5 hrs., mild low energy & brain fog, mild - moderate discomfort around injection site
48 - Slept 6 hrs., heart arrythemia, pulse varies between 59-72 within minutes, normal 63, self-corrects after several hours.. Bed 1hr early
72 - Slept 11.5 hrs., 8.5 hrs. is normal, otherwise I feel OK, arm soreness almost gone
Much better than after that second shot!
edit: Nov. 9, 2023
After having skipped the Summer version, I got the Fall version of the Moderna co-valent vaccine.
About 4pm on October 31 I received the the Moderna vaccine, lets call this Hour 0. I've had the Moderna vaccines in the past without serious side effects.
Hour 4: Very sleepy, go to bed
Hour ??: Sometime during the night I awaken shivering rather energetically. It shortly subsides and I get up for a bathroom run. That is when I find my legs won't straighten all the way. I make it to the bathroom with my legs half bent. When I try to stand up straight I lose muscle control and my knees go back to half folded.
Hour 12?: Dozing and nauseaus. Ask wife to bring a barf-bag (plastic shopping bag inside a paper shopping bag). She brings casserole dish. Several words later she brings a barf-bag. Fortunately it wasn't needed after all.
Hour 16: Get up after 12hrs. of sleep feeling low on energy and a bit foggy-brained.
Hour 20:I decide to read the vaccine Information Sheet I was given after the injection. On the bottom of the back page, in Section 5 What if there is a serious problem, it states "... If you see signs of a serious allergic reaction (hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, dizziness, or weakness), <underline added> call 9-1-1 and get the person to the nearest hospital.
Seek medical attention right away if the vaccinated person experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering , or pounding heart after COVID-19 vaccination. ...
Check Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure. Pulse +30%, BP -20%.
I did not detect any heart involvment at the time.
After 4 days I was mostly back to normal, tiring a bit easily though and some minor brain-fog hanging around.
Here it is 10 days after the vax and I seem to be sleeping a bit more and perhaps some memory-recall problems.
I think I will change brands for the next vax!
See also the thread by @artis (https://www.physicsforums.com/posts/6616209) about possible longer term/delayed reactions after 1 year.

A few days ago a neighbor, my wife, and I received the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine.
Here is a log of my after-effects. I'll try to keep this updated for any significant news.
0 - Received second dose of Moderna vaccine. As in the first one, didn't even feel the needle or the injection.
1 - Slight soreness in arm muscle.
2 - Sleepy, nap 2hrs, wakened by scam phone call.
6 - Sleepy, go to bed 5hrs early. Arm too sore to sleep on but otherwise not bothersome.
13 - Wake up shivering from cold. Room not cold, start of fever.
17 - Wake up hot. Throw off covers and back to sleep. (fever broke?)
20 - Wake up hot. Throw covers off. (fever broke?) get up after 14hrs sleep. (normal 8.5hrs.)
-- - Lack of energy, brain fog, low appetite.
24 - Temperature about 2.3°F high, but feeling somewhat better. Pulse 101 (usually 63 resting).
25 - Go out to pick up new eye glasses.
26 - Tired. Temperature about 2.7°F high.
-- - Read (some of) newspaper, check PF and Google News.
30 - Sleepy, bed time, again 5 hrs early. Pulse 93.
43 - Wake up, feel OK, temperature normal. Read rest of yesterdays newspaper. Pulse a normal 63.
48 - Wife and I do some shopping & errands.
52 - We are exhausted!
53 - Home, dinner, newspaper, PF .
56 - Tired, temperature normal, post this log. (& maybe check Google news)
Day 3 -
-- - Awoke 2hrs short of sleep. Hot, threw covers off but couldn't sleep. After 1/2 hr got up, all vitals normal. Appetite normal.
-- - Arm no longer sore.
-- - Tired, low energy, foggy brain all day.
Day 4 -
-- - Normal sleep, mild low energy but got things done, mid afternoon 2hr. nap though.
-- - 'Loose bowels' much of the day, wife had that late yesterday.
Day 18 -
-- - Mild hair loss noted when combing hair in the morning. This tapered off and resolved itself over 7 to 10 days.
Day 30 - (approximately)
Finally back to 'normal' after about a month of low energy and extra sleep. These effects tapered off over the month until I realized "Hey! I feel OK."
Day 110 - (approximately)
Noticed my finger nails and toe nails are brittle and break easily. Nail trimming caused the nails to shatter rather than the usual clean cut. This happened for only one trimming and then returned to normal.
Of the three of us, I had the heaviest reaction to the vaccine. We all slept the afternoon of the shot and all of us were too tired to do much of anything the following day. My wife had a mild fever of about 1°F and the neighbor claimed no fever.
None of us took anything for symptom relief.
In the end it shows that our immune systems REALLY recognize the spike protein on SARS-COV-2!
It also shows that I REALLY REALLY don't want the real thing.
p.s. Don't be too concerned about my 'high' fever, my normal body temp is 1 to 1.4 degrees F below 'normal'.
added pulse rates
edit: Oct. 18, 2021
A study of common side effects from the vaccine has been posted. The most common is Fatigue (~67%), with Headache running a close second (~60%).
"An objective systematic comparison of the most common adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines"
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.11.21264830v1.full.pdfOr if you prefer a short synopsis,
"Researchers identify common side effects of three COVID-19 vaccines"
edit: Nov. 13, 2021
After 8 months, I got my Moderna Booster shot 4 days ago... Overall, a 'Piece of Cake!' Here are the details:
0 - Received the Moderna Booster, barely felt the needle and injection
24 - Slept 10 hrs., afternoon nap 1.5 hrs., mild low energy & brain fog, mild - moderate discomfort around injection site
48 - Slept 6 hrs., heart arrythemia, pulse varies between 59-72 within minutes, normal 63, self-corrects after several hours.. Bed 1hr early
72 - Slept 11.5 hrs., 8.5 hrs. is normal, otherwise I feel OK, arm soreness almost gone
Much better than after that second shot!
edit: Nov. 9, 2023
After having skipped the Summer version, I got the Fall version of the Moderna co-valent vaccine.
About 4pm on October 31 I received the the Moderna vaccine, lets call this Hour 0. I've had the Moderna vaccines in the past without serious side effects.
Hour 4: Very sleepy, go to bed
Hour ??: Sometime during the night I awaken shivering rather energetically. It shortly subsides and I get up for a bathroom run. That is when I find my legs won't straighten all the way. I make it to the bathroom with my legs half bent. When I try to stand up straight I lose muscle control and my knees go back to half folded.
Hour 12?: Dozing and nauseaus. Ask wife to bring a barf-bag (plastic shopping bag inside a paper shopping bag). She brings casserole dish. Several words later she brings a barf-bag. Fortunately it wasn't needed after all.
Hour 16: Get up after 12hrs. of sleep feeling low on energy and a bit foggy-brained.
Hour 20:I decide to read the vaccine Information Sheet I was given after the injection. On the bottom of the back page, in Section 5 What if there is a serious problem, it states "... If you see signs of a serious allergic reaction (hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, dizziness, or weakness), <underline added> call 9-1-1 and get the person to the nearest hospital.
Seek medical attention right away if the vaccinated person experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering , or pounding heart after COVID-19 vaccination. ...
Check Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure. Pulse +30%, BP -20%.
I did not detect any heart involvment at the time.
After 4 days I was mostly back to normal, tiring a bit easily though and some minor brain-fog hanging around.
Here it is 10 days after the vax and I seem to be sleeping a bit more and perhaps some memory-recall problems.
I think I will change brands for the next vax!
See also the thread by @artis (https://www.physicsforums.com/posts/6616209) about possible longer term/delayed reactions after 1 year.
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