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I am 23 right now and I was scouring the internet to decide on what to do next. I wanted to be a physicist for all my life but at this time that doesn't seem feasible to me at this time. I haven't been taking all that good care of my health recently and I want to never repeat that mistake again, so I am looking for something meaningful which pays well.
Physicists have a very high meaningfulness rating, but what I want to do right now, a career in finance seems to have a low-medium meaningfulness rating. I want to earn money, but at the same time I want to find something meaningful. What should I do? MBA seems to be the only plan my parents are behind as know it will lead to some money at least and money should be my top priority right now, but I know I will be devastated if I am working in some meaningless bullshit jobs. Any career advice would be helpful!
PS:This might not be the best community to ask this question, but This community is filled with accomplished men older than myself, I am at the right place. I like this herd and I feel somewhat more comfortable here. Thank you for your help.
Edit: This is a ME problem and it's somewhat personal, I am not sure if someone can answer these questions because obviously they are deeply personal and different, but what perspective/outlook should I have towards my possible career paths?
Is it right to think of job as something which will bring me satisfaction or should I look in other places like family, friends or pets to bring meaning for to my life? Or should I be trying to find meaning within and try to find satisfaction in whatever I do (so that other things don't affect me?) Is it even possible? How do you find meaning in life??? You must have seen people struggle with their lives and identity, you must have heard regrets of pretty successful people yourself (including you and your colleagues), what can you tell me from your life experience and that of others?
I am finding this data from Career Explorer and I think most of the ratings calculated are from self-reported data. Apparently the clergy seem to have the highest satisfaction ratings of all followed by healthcare/education professions.
Physicists have a very high meaningfulness rating, but what I want to do right now, a career in finance seems to have a low-medium meaningfulness rating. I want to earn money, but at the same time I want to find something meaningful. What should I do? MBA seems to be the only plan my parents are behind as know it will lead to some money at least and money should be my top priority right now, but I know I will be devastated if I am working in some meaningless bullshit jobs. Any career advice would be helpful!
Edit: This is a ME problem and it's somewhat personal, I am not sure if someone can answer these questions because obviously they are deeply personal and different, but what perspective/outlook should I have towards my possible career paths?
Is it right to think of job as something which will bring me satisfaction or should I look in other places like family, friends or pets to bring meaning for to my life? Or should I be trying to find meaning within and try to find satisfaction in whatever I do (so that other things don't affect me?) Is it even possible? How do you find meaning in life??? You must have seen people struggle with their lives and identity, you must have heard regrets of pretty successful people yourself (including you and your colleagues), what can you tell me from your life experience and that of others?
I am finding this data from Career Explorer and I think most of the ratings calculated are from self-reported data. Apparently the clergy seem to have the highest satisfaction ratings of all followed by healthcare/education professions.
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