Stephen Hawking Quiz: Think You Know Stephen Hawking?
Estimated Read Time: 1 minute(s)
Common Topics: know, richard, hawking, giant, science
Stephen Hawking has been a giant in the science world for decades. He has been a accessible figure with his willingness to reach out to the public in various ways. Time to see how much you know about him. There are no prizes so no Goolging! Post your score in the discussion area.
Ready for your next quiz? How well do you know Richard Feynman?
I have a BS in Information Sciences from UW-Milwaukee. I’ve helped manage Physics Forums for over 22 years. I enjoy learning and discussing new scientific developments. STEM communication and policy are big interests as well. Currently a Sr. SEO Specialist at Shopify and writer at
Five. Pure guesswork, so that was lucky. 15% chance of that or better.
Got 12 out of 12 woohoo.. he is my hero so I might know some things about him :wink:
[QUOTE="levadny, post: 5661002, member: 581273"]Today Stephen Hawking celebrate BDay. 75 years old ago.[/QUOTE]Yes, I read that on my sunday newspaper
Today Stephen Hawking celebrate BDay. 75 years old ago.
"Think You Know Stephen Hawking?"I don't know Stephen Hawking, but I did go out on a glacier with him.
6 out of 12…..I missed the only one I really should have known.Perhaps I am better at science than as a musician….that is a hard pill to swallow…lol Cheers,Billy
[QUOTE="DaveC426913, post: 5628226, member: 15808"]Wow! I am a lucky b*****d!6/12 by pure guesswork.I am off to Vegas, suckers![/QUOTE]You have just wasted your luck on this quiz, so the probability of being a sucker in Vegas has just increased. :-p
I know about "A brief history of time", "My brief history", "The Grand design", "Lou Gehrig disease", "Hawking radiation", but none of them comes out, only guessing in Harry Potter question.1 out of 12.Hm…, :frown:
Wow! I am a lucky b*****d!6/12 by pure guesswork.I am off to Vegas, suckers!
Since each question has 4 options, a random selection will be somewhere near 25% or 3/12.Since actually answering the quiz carries the (very real) possibility of a score lower than that of a random sampling, I choose to go with my best option.So I'm sticking with 3/12.Yay me!
10 out of 12
[QUOTE="Greg Bernhardt, post: 5626469, member: 1"]TheAdmin submitted a new PF Insights post[/QUOTE]Greg, I think it's time you started seeing someone about your tendency to refer to yourself by a title. It's just not healthy…
Wow! 3/12.. That's an all time low.
I got 8/12 by guessing.
[QUOTE="Greg Bernhardt, post: 5626469, member: 1"]TheAdmin submitted a new PF Insights postThink You Know Stephen Hawkings
Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.[/QUOTE][USER=1]@Greg Bernhardt[/USER] Please can you correct "Hawkings" to "Hawking"? That's a painful error!
7/12, but the worst thing is I didn't notice his name misspelled
Don't you think you should spell his name correctly?
One of the few things I know about him is that his name is "Hawking", not "Hawkings"!
[QUOTE="Bystander, post: 5626498, member: 50"]Five of the dozen? o:)o:)o:)[/QUOTE]Same here, and I should've gotten six.[SPOILER]That Pink Floyd song just popped in my mind when I saw the answers.[/SPOILER]
Five of the dozen? o:)o:)o:)