Scientific importance of total Solar eclipses?

In summary, there is no scientific point to ground-based observations of the Solar corona during total eclipses on Earth.
  • #1
I was wondering whether there is an actual scientific point of taking ground-based photographs of the Solar corona during total eclipses on Earth. It seems to attract a lot of attention from well equipped amateurs around the world and the pictures of the fine plasma structure surely look great, but shouldn't such conditions be routinely achievable in space by simply obscuring the Solar disc with a little sun shield?

In other words, is there any scientific aspect of a ground-based total Solar eclipse observation that would not be achievable routinely with space-based telescopes?

Thanks for answers.

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  • #2
tarquinius said:
In other words, is there any scientific aspect of a ground-based total Solar eclipse observation that would not be achievable routinely with space-based telescopes?
I am not an astrophysicist, but I heard the other day on the radio a solar expert who answered this very question by a resounding no!
  • #3
My understanding would be: coronal imaging (we already see the corona naked eye during an eclipse). But then again artificial eclipses (coronographs, sample image below) blocking the light from the disk are how this is done in practice nowadays, so the resounding no sounds right.


It wasn't always the case though, wasn't an eclipse used for an early test of GR (lensing of distant stars by the Sun)?
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  • #4
Yes, it was eddington who did the experiment with a total solar eclipse to prove einstein was correct (though I think it was heavily debated back then)
  • #5
Ah yes, Eddington, thanks. It's strange to think that something as simple as a coronograph wasn't available yet at the time, I wonder what the issue was.

Edit. Ah yes daylight. Thanks @mathman.
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  • #6
wabbit said:
Ah yes, Eddington, thanks. It's strange to think that something as simple as a coronograph wasn't available yet at the time, I wonder what the issue was.
Probably human error and proving Newtons theory wrong, or something like that :p
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  • #7
Oh yes, I knew about the historical importance and the time when space telescopes simply were not an option. I was thinking of some present day applications.

While reading online, I came across an article claiming that the ground based observations during eclipses are better suited for imaging of the closest parts of the corona to the Sun disc, justifying it a bit unsatisfactorily. Do you know anything about that?
  • #8
Maybe on earth, but I would think you could yield the same results (or similar enough) from a telescope in space using a disc to block the light in the telescope. Of course, I could be very wrong :p
  • #9
tarquinius said:
Oh yes, I knew about the historical importance and the time when space telescopes simply were not an option. I was thinking of some present day applications.

While reading online, I came across an article claiming that the ground based observations during eclipses are better suited for imaging of the closest parts of the corona to the Sun disc, justifying it a bit unsatisfactorily. Do you know anything about that?
Interesting, although I would suspect this must be a pretty special case : there are few eclipses and each one is only visible for a few minutes, and only from a small patch of the Earth - so any advantage is limited to a couple minutes observation from a few telescopes, vs 100s of days per year from many solar observatories for coronographs, and these rare observations must trump what one can infer from a very large number of not-quite-as-good ones. But I'd be interested to hear more about it.
  • #10
wabbit said:
Ah yes, Eddington, thanks. It's strange to think that something as simple as a coronograph wasn't available yet at the time, I wonder what the issue was.
For Eddington it was not enough to block the sun. It was also necessary to turn off the skylight in order to see the stars.
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  • #11
mathman said:
For Eddington it was not enough to block the sun. It was also necessary to turn off the skylight in order to see the stars.
Gee do I feel stupid now :)

What is the scientific importance of total solar eclipses?

Total solar eclipses are important for scientists because they allow us to study the outer layers of the sun, known as the corona, which is usually too bright to see. This can give us valuable information about the sun's magnetic field and help us understand solar flares and other space weather events.

How often do total solar eclipses occur?

Total solar eclipses occur approximately every 18 months, but they are not visible from all parts of the world each time. The path of totality, where the moon completely blocks the sun, is usually only a few hundred kilometers wide and moves across the Earth's surface, so the same location may not experience a total solar eclipse for many years.

What can scientists learn from studying total solar eclipses?

Scientists can learn a lot from studying total solar eclipses, such as the temperature and composition of the sun's corona, the structure of the sun's magnetic field, and the effects of the sun on Earth's atmosphere. They can also use eclipses to test theories and models about the sun and its interactions with other celestial bodies.

How do scientists prepare for a total solar eclipse?

Scientists prepare for a total solar eclipse by carefully planning their observations and choosing the best locations to view the event. They also use specialized equipment, such as telescopes and spectrographs, to capture and analyze data during the eclipse. Additionally, scientists may collaborate with other researchers to compare and combine their findings.

Why are total solar eclipses so rare?

Total solar eclipses are rare because they require perfect alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth. The moon's orbit around Earth is tilted, so most of the time it passes above or below the sun, creating a partial eclipse. Additionally, the moon's orbit is elliptical, so it is not always the same distance from Earth, making the moon appear smaller or larger in the sky and affecting the visibility of a total eclipse.

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