Interview with Engineer jrmichler
Today we get to know a little more about Engineering Mentor jrmichler!
Tell us a bit about your education and academic years
Two years college (UW-Madison)…

Q&A Interview with Physicist Michio Kaku
Don't forget to read Part 1 of this interview.Professor Kaku, what do you think of "peak oil," how serious is it? and what alternative sources of energy…

Interview with Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku
We are happy to have Michio Kaku answer some questions from the community. This interview was originally held in 2004. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical…

Interview with Engineer Mentor anorlunda
Tell us about your school years?
Part of my story is sad but common. I was a poor student. I didn’t pay attention, and I never did homework even once;…

Interview with Physics Mentor bhobba
Give us an executive summary on bhobbaI was born in Toowong Brisbane Australia 17/11/1955, and was raised in suburbs around Toowong - Toowong itself,…

Interview with Niels Tuning a LHCb Run Coordinator
Physics Forums is pleased to introduce Niels Tuning. He's a physicist working as the Run Coordinator for the LHCb experiment at CERN. Apart from the…

Interview with Astrophysicist Adam Becker
Adam Becker is an astrophysicist and science writer whose first book "What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics" just hit…

Interview with Theoretical Physicist Clifford V. Johnson
Clifford V. Johnson is a professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the USC. "I mainly work on (super)string theory, gravity, gauge theory…

Interview with a Mentor: Drakkith
Give us an early bio on yourselfWell, I was born and raised near Dallas, Texas as the only boy of 4 children. I grew up with 3 sisters, though…

Interview with Mathematician and Physicist Arnold Neumaier
Please give us a brief background on yourself
Over 40 years ago, I studied mathematics, physics and computer science in Freiburg and Berlin (Germany).…

Interview with Biologist Jim McNamara
What got you interested in biology?I was an amateur naturalist as a kid. Had collections of all sorts, and a small menagerie -- much to my mother's…

Interview with Astronomer Pamela Gay
Please give us a bit of background into your educational and professional life.
I'm a public school kid through and through. After going to the local…

Q&A With Universe Today’s Astronomer Fraser Cain
Special thanks to Universe Today founder Fraser Cain for this fascinating video Q&A! All questions were provided by the members of Physics Forums.…

Interview with Theoretical Physicist: Sabine Hossenfelder
We are pleased to introduce Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist from the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. Sabine also authors…

Interview with Mathematician Fresh_42
We are please to introduce our newest member of the mentor group, fresh_42!Can you give us a brief bio?I studied mathematics and economy and always…

Interview with Instrument Engineer Jim Hardy
Give us a little background on Jim HardyBorn and raised in Miami Florida of parents with roots in Springfield Missouri . So at heart i'm a small town…

Interview with Physics Mentor: Stevendaryl
Give us a brief history on stevendarylI was born and raised in the American South, mostly living in Georgia. It's a Southern tradition, for some reason,…

Interview with Physicist David Hestenes
For those who don't know the great David Hestenes, he is the inventor of the geometric algebra formalism of physics. Here we go!
1) What is the best application…

Interview with Science Advisor DrChinese
We are pleased to share with you an interview with PF Science Advisor and one of our founding members: DrChineseWho is DrChinese and share some early…

Interview with Physicist David J. Griffiths
We are pleased to introduce David J. Griffiths. Professor Griffiths is one of the most successful physics textbook writers. Odds are if you studied…

Interview with a Physics Mentor: Nugatory
Give us a little background on yourself?
I was born in Washington DC, grew up in Texas, bachelor's in physics from Harvard in 1978 but found a career…

Interview with a Physicist: Sean Carroll
We are pleased to introduce Sean Carroll! Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at Caltech, specializing in cosmology and quantum mechanics. Sean…

MathJax Developer: Peter Krautzberger
We are pleased to introduce Peter Krautzberger. Peter is a manager for MathJax. MathJax is the technology behind the display of equations on Physics…

Interview with Chemical Physicist: DrClaude
DrClaude is a mentor at Physics Forums! What brought you to Sweden from Canada?Life, the Universe, and Everything. While in Canada, I…

Interview with a Physics Mentor: PeterDonis
PeterDonis is a Physics Mentor at Physics Forums Give us a little background on PeterDonisI have been interested in science since childhood.…

Interview with Theoretical Physicist Carlo Rovelli
Please give us a bit of background on your life and professional experience
Life: Born educated in Italy, then 10 years in the States and 15 in…

Interview with Mathematical Physicist John Baez Part 2
Read part 1 of this interview.
Tell us about your experience with past projects like "This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics".
I was hired by U.C.…

Interview with a Mathematical Physicist: John Baez Part 1
We are proud to introduce you to Mathematical Physicist and PF member John Baez!
Give us some background on yourself.
I'm interested in all kinds of…

Interview with Theoretical Physicist Garrett Lisi
We are pleased to introduce you to Theoretical Physicist and PF Member Garrett Lisi. Known for riding waves and developing a unique theory of everything.…

Interview with an Electrical Engineer: Berkeman
Can you give us a brief history of berkeman?I grew up in a military family (my dad was an Army colonel), so we moved all over the place when I was…

Interview with a Chemist: Borek
Give us a brief history of BorekNote: text below is of a negative pedagogical value, don't read it if you are younger than 20, attending school or…

Interview with a Physicist: ZapperZ
This is a new Interview category for Insights. While I line up some great new interviews I’ll be migrating some previous mentor interviews.ZapperZ is…

Interview with a Biophysicist: Andy Resnick
Let me introduce you to Andy Resnick, a long time Science Advisor at Physics Forums. Tell us a little bit about how you developed an interest…

Interview with a Physicist: Doc Al
This is a new Interview category for Insights. While I line up some great new interviews I’ll be migrating some previous mentor interviews.Doc Al is…

Interview with an Engineer: Russ Watters
This is a new Interview category for Insights. While I line up some great new interviews I'll be migrating some previous mentor interviews.Russ…

Interview with Mentor Integral
Meet a Mentor is a biweekly (twice a week) series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today…

Interview with Astrophysicist D H
Meet a Mentor is a series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet:…

Interview with Physicist George Jones
Meet a Mentor is a weekly series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we…

Interview with Mentor Evo
Meet a Mentor is a biweekly (twice a week) series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today…

Interview with Mentor LisaB
Meet a Mentor is a fun series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet: LisabGive…

Interview with Biologist Ryan_m_b
Meet a Mentor is a fun series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet: @Ryan_m_bGive…

Interview with Mathematician Mark44
Meet a Mentor is a series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet: Mark44How…

Interview with Physicist jtbell
Meet a Mentor is a weekly series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we…

Interview with Physicist Dale
Meet a Mentor is a fun series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet: DaleSpamGive…

Interview with Engineer Chestermiller
Meet a Mentor is a fun series to help you get to know your wonderful Mentors better.Constructive questions and comments are welcome!Today we meet: @ChestermillerGive…